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Inspirational Esperoct® Success Stories

Bradley O. lives with severe hemophilia A and uses Esperoct®

Inspirational Esperoct® Success Stories

Bradley O. lives with severe hemophilia A and uses Esperoct®

Every patient’s experience matters.

Finding the right hemophilia A treatment for your unique needs is personal. It’s important to work closely with your doctor, Hemophilia Treatment Center, and support network to choose a treatment that meets your needs and fits your lifestyle. These ambassadors hope you find inspiration in their experiences. Individual results may vary. Have your own story to share? Start here!

Finding my voice

Bradley O.’s severe hemophilia A journey began early in life, with a diagnosis at age 2. Living in Kenya, he and his family didn’t always have access to factor. Today, life looks a lot different. Bradley is a recent college graduate and advocate for the hemophilia A community—he even recently traveled to DC to lobby for the cause! He needed a treatment that could keep up with his travel and work schedule, so he and his doctor decided he should make the switch to extended half-life Esperoct®.

Please see full Prescribing Information.
Please see Important Safety Information.

Community matters

Craig and his two brothers were diagnosed with hemophilia A as children. Connecting with the community has always been an important part of his success story, and that’s why he pays it forward as a local Hemophilia Community Liaison (HCL). Craig and his family love playing sports and traveling together. Due to his active lifestyle, Craig and his doctor decided he should make the switch to extended half-life Esperoct®.

Please see full Prescribing Information.
Please see Important Safety Information.

Do you have an Esperoct® Success Story to share?

Sharing your experiences treating with Esperoct® could inspire others in the bleeding disorders community.

Do you have an Esperoct® Success Story to share?

Sharing your experiences treating with Esperoct® could inspire others in the bleeding disorders community.

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Resources for you.

Browse tools developed to help you manage life with hemophilia A and connect with the bleeding disorders community.

Hemophilia Community Liasons
Hemophilia Community Liasons

Personalized support.

Get to know your Hemophilia Community Liaison (HCL) for product education, lifestyle tips, access to local events, and more.

Esperoct® FAQs
Esperoct® FAQs

Your questions, answered.

Question: I’d like to self–infuse but have never been trained. Where can I learn how to self–infuse my factor?

Answer: Your best first stop is your healthcare provider who can answer this question as someone who understands you, your hemophilia care plan, and the facilities available in your area. You can often find infusion training at your hemophilia treatment center (HTC), specialty pharmacies, or from your physician.

Do not attempt to do an infusion yourself unless you have been taught how by your healthcare provider or hemophilia treatment center. Please see Prescribing Information and Instructions for Use for more information on administration.

Question: What is NovoCare®?

Answer: NovoCare® is a support program created to help you along your journey. NovoCare® provides assistance with coordinating insurance coverage, paying for treatment, and more. From verifying coverage to re-authorizing your prescription, we may be able to help.

Selected Important Safety Information

Who should not use Esperoct®?
  • You should not use Esperoct® if you are allergic to factor VIII or any of the other ingredients of Esperoct® or if you are allergic to hamster proteins
What is the most important information I need to know about Esperoct®?
  • Do not attempt to do an infusion yourself unless you have been taught how by your healthcare provider or hemophilia treatment center
  • Call your healthcare provider right away or get emergency treatment right away if you get any signs of an allergic reaction, such as: hives, chest tightness, wheezing, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and/or swelling of the face

What is Esperoct®?

Esperoct® [antihemophilic factor (recombinant), glycopegylated-exei] is an injectable medicine to treat and prevent or reduce the number of bleeding episodes in people with hemophilia A. Your healthcare provider may give you Esperoct® when you have surgery

  • Esperoct® is not used to treat von Willebrand Disease

Important Safety Information

Who should not use Esperoct®?
  • You should not use Esperoct® if you are allergic to factor VIII or any of the other ingredients of Esperoct® or if you are allergic to hamster proteins
What is the most important information I need to know about Esperoct®?
  • Do not attempt to do an infusion yourself unless you have been taught how by your healthcare provider or hemophilia treatment center
  • Call your healthcare provider right away or get emergency treatment right away if you get any signs of an allergic reaction, such as: hives, chest tightness, wheezing, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and/or swelling of the face
What should I tell my healthcare provider before using Esperoct®?
  • Before taking Esperoct®, you should tell your healthcare provider if you have or have had any medical conditions, take any medicines (including non-prescription medicines and dietary supplements), are nursing, pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or have been told that you have inhibitors to factor VIII
  • Your body can make antibodies called “inhibitors” against Esperoct®, which may stop Esperoct® from working properly. Call your healthcare provider right away if your bleeding does not stop after taking Esperoct®
What are the possible side effects of Esperoct®?
  • Common side effects of Esperoct® include rash or itching, and swelling, pain, rash or redness at the location of infusion

Please click here for Prescribing Information.

Esperoct® is a prescription medication.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.